Campus Progress/ 2011: Vote for Our Own Anurag!


Its time to put those clicking fingers to good use ( Yes, I said clicking fingers!) !! And very soon at that, more like in the next few days…. as soon as possible.

Our very own Anurag created and uploaded a submission on YouTube to the CampusProgress/ 2011 National Keynote Contest. is a magazine “concering race, culture and organizing” …all issues very much up our young Gaysi activist’s alley and that which she has expressed her strong views about often and candidly on Gaysi Family. I know many of us had the pleasure of reading those pieces and either wholeheartedly agreeing, vehemently disagreeing or facing truths about ourselves and others that we were never privy to. I think Anurag’s ability to do that with words and now voice deserves our support.

This year, the national keynote contest invites individuals to submit videos and ideas answering “In your own life, how are you changing the rules of our race conversation, and creating real solutions for racial and social justice?” … I believe its a question that urges much reflexive need when we ask and demand for so many people to come out and talk about issues of social justice – what are we doing ourselves as Queer individuals?

And this is what you need to do !

  1. Go to the Campus Progress/ Keynote Youtube Site (make sure you are signed in to to vote)
  2. Look for Anurag’s submission: Its listed as naomilahiri, IL and vote for it, by clicking on the thumbs up sign right next to the video. (use NEXT button under the video list to navigate and find Anurag’s video)


In the video, Anurag talks about herself, her identity, Queer South Asian voices and their need to be heard as well as her work with Gaysi Family.

Update: Voting ends soon on May 25th! So heres to showing that we are the worlds largest Queer Democracy as well !

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Queer Coolie is the pink and cheery avatar of a single Indian lesbian recently repatriated from the US. She also dabbles at being the following - Editor @gaysifamily | Dimsum Lover | Kettlebell Swinger | Startup Standup | Bathroom Beyoncé
Queer Coolie

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