(*I strictly use the word ‘straights’ in this article for non-queer-friendly folk)
This wonderful article written by the fabulous Nayantara Kilachand very well encompasses the basic problem faced by the LGBT community, that of acceptance. Based on study she recently came across which provides shocking figures, she delves deeper into the LGBT scene by investigating with her friendly queers.
She picks the minds of the lovely Sridhar Rangayan, Jaymin Dalal, and our very own MJ, who as usual sounds a lot smarter in writing than on podcasts where she is given way too much freedom to speak.
While we do have a lot of obstacles to cross before we have our rights, I will respectfully disagree with Mr. Rangayan when he says “The change that is happening should have been much faster than what we’re pushing in India.” As is visible with the delays with deciding on a final verdict regarding 377, nothing ever moves very fast in this country (or even faster than a snail, might I add).
Mumbai Journal: Let’s Talk About Homosexuality