LABIA presents
A Double Dhamaka by Pramada Menon
A performance of her fabulous:
“Fat, Feminist, and Free”
Musings on matters of national curiosity also known as the feminist agenda – gender, body, life and politics.
And the Bombay screening of her film
“And you thought you knew me”
The film, brings the lives of five People Assigned Gender Female at Birth (PAGFB) into focus. Five people, whose only common meeting ground is that they identify themselves as outside of the heterosexual framework and live in the same city. What they identify as, their stories, relationships and activism, set against the backdrop of Delhi – all form part of the narrative and create a tapestry of images and metaphors, that invites one to re-engage with and rethink the notion of the other, the ‘sexual deviant’.
Date : Saturday, 5th April 2014
Time : 5PM-8PM
Venue : SNDT University, Juhu Campus, Mumbai.