KASHISH 2012 International Poster competition

Queer Expressions


Indian queer film fest launches international poster contest ‘for everyone’


Even as the gay and lesbian community await with bated breath, the outcome of Supreme Court hearing on Section 377 that criminalizes homosexuality; KASHISH, India’s biggest international queer film festival, has launched a contest that gives an expression to the community.

KASHISH 2012 is sending out an open call to artists and designers across the world to design its official poster. Besides winning a prestigious award as the festival’s official poster, its design will also be featured as hoardings, print and online advertisements, catalogue cover, banners, cinema slides and delegate cards.

“Considering the current legal, social and political climate in India, it is all the more important for us to underline the fact that being LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) is not just about sex, but also about various sensibilities and aspirations that comprise our identities. The poster contest is a way to channelize this expression”, said festival director and film maker Sridhar Rangayan.

KASHISH 2012, the third edition of the India’s first and only mainstream queer film festival, will be held between May 23-27, 2012 in Mumbai at a city multiplex.

“The theme for this year is ‘For Everyone’, which means this year’s festival has something to offer for everyone – not just for the LGBT community, but also their families, colleagues and friends. The poster contest, which is open ‘to everyone’, across the world, reflects this spirit” added Rangayan

“KASHISH is not only a platform for cinema, but also an advocacy effort to mainstream issues of LGBT community, which right now is important and urgent”, said Vivek Anand, festival director and CEO of The Humsafar Trust


For more details about entry rules and details on the contest, check http://kashishmiqff.blogspot.com

Mail your entries to: info.kashishmiqff@gmail.com

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