QI Book Club : Kari

Kari is a graphic novel by Amruta Patil about an eponymous character, who is very easy to fall in love with for a somewhat femme, mostly chapstick-lesbian.

The graphic novel – an odd choice for a book club, but that’s kind of the whole point of our book club, anyway – explores simple questions.

The one that I am most interested in, and would love for us to begin our discussions with is what does it mean to be lesbian? Do we need to be in a relationship with another woman, or is attraction enough? Once in a relationship, do we follow norms of straight relationships? What are our expectations of butch/non-feminine women and what does being ‘boyish’ mean for lesbians?

This comic book is beautifully written, and drawn, and a visual representation of a character like Kari adds a depth to this work that only words wouldn’t have. It shows us, for instance, how the author visualises a gay woman. We all, too, have an image or two in our head, don’t we?

Now that the book is available, go on and pick up your copy. See you on the 3rd of June at noon.

Date : Sunday, 3rd June 2012

Time : 12.00PM-2PM

Venue : Email ‘events@queer-ink.com’ to RSVP and for venue details

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