“Thank You, Indian people!” [Our World This Week]

Hello Hello Queer Indian people! I do hope you are reading this. This is your weekly roundup of Queer love shown to us by the media and it must not be missed.

Breaking News – Oprah is the reason Article 377 of the Indian Penal Code was repealed!  Absolutely! She is the reason why our play in the bedroom [ or any other room of your preference. Please remember obscenity laws were not repealed. Still in effect ] is now A-Ok !

Perhaps I am misrepresenting here but I shall get to the point. Oprah in her final season broadcast her “25 years of LGBT issues” on her shows – episode. She brought back guests who she had on the show previously on Queer issues. So amidst an Olympic gold medalist who inspired a 12 year old boy to come out, a married couple who both realized they were gay and another couple who saw them and realized the same [ Happens all the time to queer folks. Don’t look surprised], Mom-Daughter-acceptance-unacceptance angst we also had our very own Prince Manvendra Singh Gohil [Watch the video here] . He talked about the reaction to his appearance on Oprah’s show in 2007. While the Prince and his mom still don’t talk but bump into each other in the palace every now and then, He had some heartwarming things to say about his dad. The Prince also spoke about gay pride march in many cities in India and the decriminalization of Homosexuality. The crux: Oprah fished for his role in the decriminalization, The Prince very benevolently attributed credit to her as well….which was a tad irksome – I mean I love Oprah. She is inspiring to anyone. She brings visibility to many especially the LGBT community. But the repeal of article 377 was a fight on the ground. In India. By individuals who are inspiring in their own right. I just felt it took away from their contribution. Even the mere mention of umbrella organizations would be downright chuff-worthy.

In other news, This kid rehearsed this speech a 100 times in front of her bathroom mirror, will definitely go to drama school from what I can see and decided to come out as  a Lesbian in her school assembly. If any young ones are reading this – Take heart… but …. If you plan to do the assembly thing…make sure you run it by someone before you do.

Some morbid news for the soul because this would not be a Queer news roundup if that didn’t exist – A young lesbian couple in India committed suicide by consuming poison. They had apparently seen Kaushik Ganguly’s Aar Ekti Premer Golpo and were depressed ever since thinking they could never lead a normal happy life together. All those YouTube “It Gets Better” videos just don’t reach the South 24 Parganas district of Bengal. But Ritapurno Ghosh starrers do. Something to think about.

Pakistani Queer Erotica has been rediscovered!! Read more about the Aggressive Lesbian/Pakistani Socialite  Sabiha Bano and her emergence from the ashes here.

The Oscars are very Queer this year. To start with its hosted by James Franco [ who loves gender bending and playing Gay roles ] and Anne Hathaway [ soon to play Kurt’s lesbian aunt on Glee]. And there are battles to be fought between stalwarts and young ones over the coveted golden bald guy for Queer Roles! Yes! – The breakdown is here.

Back home in India, Director Onir has had a tough time the past few weeks with accusations of molestation hurled at him by actor Yuvraaj Parashar. But! But! The outpouring of support from very many directors and actors for Onir and the vociferous dismissal of  ‘starlets who cry rape’ allows us to breathe again.

Do you own an Apple product ? No ? Then you should go buy one. Just because its soooo coooooool. Sooooo cooooool. It’s a lifestyle change. [ Being Queer is not. Buying an Apple is. You heard it here] If you need more reason, the guy that just took over after Steve Jobs decided to go on holiday is apparently the most powerful gay man in Silicon Valley. Heres a link to the Apple Store. [Kidding – Just read the news post]

PS – The title of the this post refers to banter between the Prince and Oprah. The Prince said something akin to “My parents know Oprah isn’t gay!” …to which Oprah promptly replies “Thank you Indian people!”

FYI – Months ago rumours were circulated in US tabloids that Oprah was gay and has a hot lesbian relationship [ because they only come in that variety] with her best friend Gayle King. Oprah categorically denied it very recently.

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Queer Coolie is the pink and cheery avatar of a single Indian lesbian recently repatriated from the US. She also dabbles at being the following - Editor @gaysifamily | Dimsum Lover | Kettlebell Swinger | Startup Standup | Bathroom Beyoncé
Queer Coolie

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