Circa 2005: Bandstand in Bombay by the sea
I saw you accidentally enroute to grab coffee
The city and work were still very new to me
I had just got my grad school degree
Our meeting certainly wasn’t love at first sight
I didn’t get a clear picture of you that night
But something about watching the waves crash and collide
Egged me on to be back to see you against the sun at high tide
Our first morning date happened soon enough
The previous evening at work had been particularly tough
I grabbed my Cafe Mocha from Barista and looked around
Lost amidst the crowd, strangely, I felt safe and sound
The sound of the water put me completely at ease
Just looking out into the horizon gave me plenty peace
I started visiting you frequently after that
After long days at work to unwind, walk or chat
On the phone with friends back home
Somewhere in the dirty, over populated crazy city
I had finally found in you a place I loved to be
Staring into the vast expanse, the queer me felt completely free
Of all Gaysi dilemmas, fears, doubts and negativity
Looking at you, while sitting on your benches
I plotted my escape from the (corporate) hetronormative trenches
Whilst I no longer live in the maximum city anymore
Living in the secret Gaysi closet makes me miss you all the more
So I have promised myself this small little treat
When I find true love and am out of hiding, onto the street
I would bring her to you for coffee and to witness (in person)
BaNdSTaND, thE SeA in turn watching the GiRL aND (a happy and out) Me