Graphic Story: Swip Swap Swipe

In a keyhole view of the dating world,
Judas hopes to find the guy from his dreams
who’d paint Van Gogh’s Starry Night
Filled with lots of sass and being badass,
laugh along with this queen
as he swipes and swipes
left and right
to find the one
he’s looking for

Story By: Ikshaku
Illustrations By: Whirlwnd
In collaboration with Tinder

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Jo Krishnakumar is a trans queer researcher interested in all things sex, sexuality, gender and how different groups/people experience these wor(l)ds. Their work is informed by their constant learning/unlearning of the privileges they have due to their social location as a dominant/oppressive caste person (Nair) while also occupying space as a (mentally) disabled trans person of colour. Find them on their unfinished webspace

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