what exactly happens when a erm..reeally-late-bloomer tries to make
up for the lost time..
the first one went by with me waiting for over an hour. sat at the decided
cafe, had my dinner, a little too early…trying to enjoy every bit of it…(who knew cucumbers were used in pasta..)..and trying to seem as non-stood-up as possible to the nosey serveuse. finally,she arrived…just as the plate had been taken away and two glasses of water had been gulped.the next hour sped, with the majority of the talking done by her and majority of gawking done by me. although was a little slow in getting the concept…must say I held my own after the third time her foot “accidentally” brushed against my leg…i stopped the “pardon-me-whose leg-touched god-a la aham-brahmasmi” gestures. so..i took in the stories and tried to respond intelligently , trying very hard not to stare…(..was trying to make out what logo her tee had..)..and then came a gaggle of the nicest boys have met in recent times. sitting amidst them,as some ribbed the others playfully and as some sat pensively, all the time wondering what i was doing there…i realised that whatever it was and whatever it had been, it was okay.
takeaway : yellow can be a pretty color!!
delayed takeaway : people are decent…why in the world would she agree to meet again!!
the second one was the classic dinner n movie or was it dinner-in-the-movie..yea..the latter.
after having unabashedly flirted (or my idea of it)…the date was finally set…having booked the next day’s show and having royally pissed off the girl i was lunching with (not her..another..oh forget it…). anyway, the movie was as expected, awesome. With the popcorn changing hands every five minutes and a few good ole moves by the girl(which i practically froze to…and which got me munching more intensely…but at one point had me chuckling in my head..), watching a movie got a new dimension…(..after all..i had been living underground all these years).
takeaway: pranayama..there are reasons people do it…
delayed takeaway : length of one’s hair has nothing to do with what one does or tries to do. sign of a third one as yet…and after this…well…
takeaway : Chin up…hakuna matata!!
oh…have a good one.. new year and all that !