Have You Been Queering With Tinder?

Tell us your about your first dates, heartaches or casual meet-cutes

We want to hear them all!

First Date
Failed Wink
Felt Great
Didn’t Think

Sweet haze
Fairy lights
Pizza, laze
And movie nights
Super Like
‘Love dogs too?’
Green treks and hikes
Random Open Mics

Does this sound like your Tinder story?

Tell us more on gaysifmaily[at]gmail[dot]com or comment below and your story could be featured on GAYSI.

Started with a swipe, now we here 😉

This story was about:

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Jo Krishnakumar is a trans queer researcher interested in all things sex, sexuality, gender and how different groups/people experience these wor(l)ds. Their work is informed by their constant learning/unlearning of the privileges they have due to their social location as a dominant/oppressive caste person (Nair) while also occupying space as a (mentally) disabled trans person of colour. Find them on their unfinished webspace www.waytojo.com.

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