Ola’s founder Bhavish Aggarwal, the wannabe Elon Musk (not a role model), recently posted his frustrations with pronouns on X. With the upcoming elections, the unrelenting heatwave, the ominous threat of nuclear war, widening wealth inequality and soaring food insecurity, you’d think this Indian startup stalwart and widely-renowned innovation dudebro would have more relevant concerns to share about the world, but this is what he chose to publicly throw a fit about.
We do wonder what it’s like to work alongside him every day of the week at Ola HQ (tip-offs welcome!). His tantrums were rooted in being referred to as “they” by an AI app and he denounced it as the “pronoun illness”, imported from the West. Earnest question: Is ride-hailing on smartphones indigenous to India? A quick search on Ola reveals pressing matters that Bhavish would do well to focus on.
Ola’s promising invention missing the mark:
Forbes highlights how Bhavish’s aggressive marketing of the vehicle did not translate well when he sold the most number of shares in OFS.
Your eDgY hot takes are doing nothing to solve issues with your products or the culture at the workplace you’re building.
Aggarwal is expressive on X, but what goes on behind Ola doors?
For all the woke-averse startup bros speaking out in support of Bhavish, thanks for outing yourself as bigots. We’ll see you in June!
PS: check out Ola’s “celebration” of the LGBTQ community in past Pride Months, it doesn’t get more mechanical than this:
We hope you well soon,
Jhanvi (on behalf of Gaysi Family)