“Resist” Exhibition (Mumbai) : Video Coverage by Jeff Roy

Last month, EnGendered director and curator Myna Mukherjee, held an art exhibition called “Resist” at Gallery Beyond in South Mumbai as a formal response to the recent Delhi rape case. “While protests are useful to capture the frustration that entire nation is feeling about this tragic event, it doesn’t leave space for reflection. We wanted to have something that would allow people to react and provoke, but also to question, reflect, and really think about it in constructive terms,” she says.

The exhibition opening featured visual works from over 27 commissioned and non-commissioned artists, live installations featuring collaborations with some of India’s best known designers (including Manish AroraArjun SalujaSatya PaulKallol Datta, and Gauri & Nainika), and live performances from the Delhi-based bands Desi Headquarters and SPACE.

Jeff Roy covered the event as part of his exploration of LGBTQ culture in India for Fulbright-mtvU.

Check out his complete story!

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The Cathartist is the Editor at GaysiFamily. She remembers nearly all her dreams to the last detail, would rather skip a movie than watch it after missing the first five minutes, has a rare form of Tourettes leading to inappropriate conversations and is a hopeless jerk magnet. If she ever writes a book, it will be called "La tyrannie d'anciens amoureux".
The Cathartist

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