I wanted to share this article that appeared in a daily newspaper recently that shares the ordeal of the countless Queer couples who are tackling their fight against society – on one hand for greater acceptability and equality(Fight against Prop 8), fair employment laws (ENDA), etc., on the other hand fighting a war against the US Govt which while not recognising same sex marriage is throwing all the same sex cross-national couples into total jeopardy. All these stories are heart wrenching and tread on the unfairness and the bigotry displayed by the Govt against its second class citizens, aka, the same sex couples and other Queers. [Link]
One of my good friends D is going through a similar ordeal. His partner lives abroad and they meet up every couple months. Its been a couple years now and they are hoping things will work out better soon. While I have always thought that I was in a shitty position and immigration has been such a huge barrier to my transition, when I heard D’s story I was so moved and humbled. Its so saddening that people who love each other are separated by man made concepts of nationhood and immigration. I just hope things change soon. While the US might be a world leader in certain areas, it definitely lags behind in the respect of human values and civil rights. No wonder being the richest nation, it did not even appear among the happiest countries. What use is the money when you treat your own denizens as second class citizens? While at least 15 other countries have better same sex immigration laws, it is a matter of shame the world’s strongest country is the weakest in fairness and equality. I find it hypocritical when the US criticises about human rights issues in China and Iran while continuing to discriminate in their homeland.