If you’re reading this, you most likely believe that people of all sexes, genders and sexualities have the right to live with dignity. Whether you are a member of the rainbow family or an ally, chances are that you’ve faced questions about the LGBT community by your friends, family or colleagues. Maybe they were just curious, maybe they wanted to know why you support the community. And each time you answered their questions, you aided the battle against homophobia, discrimination and hate.
Bunny believes people only fear or hate what they don’t understand. The movement needs you and here’s what you can do to help:
Be patient. A lot of people are curious about deeply personal things and many of these questions may sound really inappropriate. If you are uncomfortable answering such questions, patiently explain why the question is personal and/or inappropriate. It can be frustrating, but the fact that you dealt with their curiosity with patience and maturity instead of losing your cool will help earn respect for the community.