What Is A Bully?

In the United States, Day of Silence, was observed on April 12th 2019. It is a student-led national event where folks take a vow of silence to highlight the silencing, bullying and erasure of LGBTQ people at school.

Here in India, not much data is available on bullying in educational institutions let alone on bullying of queer children and young adults. But we do know that it happens. It happens every single day. So for those who are experiencing this pain, please speak to a responsible/trusting adult around you. Your feelings valid. And for others, don’t be a silent observer, step up and speak!

Artwork by @shirtshanks

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Jo Krishnakumar is a trans queer researcher interested in all things sex, sexuality, gender and how different groups/people experience these wor(l)ds. Their work is informed by their constant learning/unlearning of the privileges they have due to their social location as a dominant/oppressive caste person (Nair) while also occupying space as a (mentally) disabled trans person of colour. Find them on their unfinished webspace www.waytojo.com.

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