Guides + Resources

How To Start A Queer Club On Campus?

Here are some inspiring words to start one! IISER rainbow collective’s Annada offers a word of encouragement: “Advocate for it as much as you can. It will help your juniors a lot in accepting their own selves.”

Part 1

Wondering if a queer club in college is worth giving a shot? Here are some inspiring words to start one! IISER rainbow collective’s Annada offers a word of encouragement: “Advocate for it as much as you can. It will help your juniors a lot in accepting their own selves.” The initial stages of starting the club could mean working hard towards funding or fundraising for your dream events, scouting for more queer folks and allies to join the club and more. “Even if they can’t solve a problem they can definitely present the representation necessary to sensitize these spaces” encourages Lambda’s Priyanka* who has witnessed life-changing narratives of queer folks through their campus collective.

If this has got you inspired to start your own queer club at the college, here’s how you can do so!

How to form your own college club, a checklist:

Write down your goals for the club. What are the community’s needs that you hope to address through the club.

Speak to your friends who are queer or allies. Urge them to become a member and enlist their help to spread the word about it.

What are the rules of the college? Speak to someone in the administration or a faculty member to understand the processes and if the collective can be a registered college club.

Team up with your teachers. Having them on your side, advocating for you helps with improving the credibility of your cause.

Decide on your hangout spot, how often you want to meet, and co-create the terms of engagement along with the members!

Make sure the space feels safe for all, and figure out a way to address conflicts or disagreements that may arise.

*Name changed to protect privacy

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Born and brought up on the Internet and pop culture, Nikitha is a jack of all trades, master of none. From copywriting, illustration to media research, she's been dipping her toes in all things fun and serious. The goal is to work with all the people and brands that she admires and keeping her inner child happy, of course! In her spare time, you'll find her researching on brain rot memes and fanarts on Pinterest.

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