Imagine a world where we didn’t feel the need to hold ourselves back, a world where we could all be our most real, full, crazily gorgeous selves. The ability to be able to exaggerate and look artistically glamorous is something we restrain ourselves from but imagine how good we’d all look if it was something we opened ourselves to!
So this is where this piece comes in, bringing you looks inspired by artistic performance personalities such as Mathu Anderson, Leigh bowery, Miss Fame and so on who have deeply inspired this author as an artist! We hope this will be just the inspiration you need to unleash your own inner queen.
With their outrageous and extraordinary personalities, drag queens show us how to be a bit extra without apology. Drag queen art is not just visually pleasing, but is also sets us free and joyfully teaches us that there need to be no boundaries to creativity! In more ways than one, it redefines fixed standards of beauty and empowers our own desire to be as grand, extraordinary and beautiful as we wish to be.
I’d go as far as saying that the process of these transformations is a melody to the eyes – but let me show, not tell!