Missing Wet Wednesdays

Dear Lezzies,

I apologize that I have been errant in my responsibilities in delivering sexy stories to you every week. The truth is I have been having so much damn sex I have no time to write stories. I met the most fantastic, sexy, gorgeous damsel who makes my heart go boom boom, and boy, does she take over the bedroom. I thought I was the one in charge – and always have been, seeing Zarina is my alter ego – but ooph! This is something else. I am in a different stratosphere.

I said it was my day job that kept me from writing, but it’s the sex. Still, it all goes down into the annals of bedroom research. The fountain of erotica spills forth from personal experience, after all. Please forgive me, but be happy that a lezzie is getting laid. And how!

I will continue writing once I get enough sleep. These days, it’s all about the loving caresses and the steamy aftermath. And don’t forget the orgasms.

Yours faithfully,
Sasha Bings

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Sasha Bings was born in England in 1980, but her family returned to India when she was 16. She escaped two years later to study psychology and creative writing in the United States, coming back to Bombay as a fully-fledged lesbian in her mid-twenties. Like most of us, she has a day job, but writes short stories on her blackberry when she’s stuck in traffic, or late at night before she falls asleep. She used to meditate, but she found writing stories to be much more cathartic. Sasha blesses all her ex-loves for teaching her that life goes on. These stories are dedicated to them. She lives with her two cats, Minks and Kinks, and parrot, Sing-Song.
Sasha Bings

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